Monday, July 31, 2006


I had a great post, but the computer blue screen of death-ed me. So it's gone.

I was just having a whinge about how intense Mondays are. Someone else cried in our drama lecture today. Usually due to subject matter that can hit just a little too close to home. But I suppose that is part of the beauty of drama, as well as part of its downfall. Mind you, it's getting intense - death, murder, grief, leukemia, sex/gender, chauvinism, eating disorders.....can we do a comedy now please!

Critical thinking. I had a lot to say about that, but it's not really important. I just don't like it. I disagree with some of it. Like the idea that we have to be skeptical about anything that claims to be universal truth. Is that a universal truth? They contradicted themselves. But I guess I'm thinking critically about critical thinking and therefore proving them right by proving them wrong :-( I hate that.

Well, too much skepticism is not good for faith. Some is - it makes us question and come to logical, rational conclusions based on evidence. But the problem comes when someone has all the evidence they're ever going to get and is still saying, "I can't believe, because it might not be true." Skepticism. Doubt. Too much of it.

And that's my Monday post.


Blogger Jennifah said...

These drama classes sound heaps more intense than any I ever took. Maybe I should've taken some drama over here. Anyway, I've never seen that movie you were talking about, but I will!

Wednesday, 02 August, 2006  

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