Wednesday, August 02, 2006

Literacy troubles

We are currently in the middle of a big debate about literacy, and what we should be teaching, and whether our spelling is gud enough. Mine's pretty gud. At least I don't spell scissors "sizzers".

However, many people are upset (so I hear) about this problem. And there is a literacy problem. The question is, how to address it?

Fortunately at home group last night, Louise (one of my friends) sang me a song that will probably go a long way towards solving literacy problems. (Sung to the tune of If You're Happy and You Know It, Clap Your Hands)

A person, place or thing is a noun
An action or a doing word's a verb
An adverb describes a verb
An adjective a noun
Remember all these rules and you're set
Ching ching!
(just a nice little way to end the song :-)

That is totally going to revolutionise literacy in Australia.


Blogger Mathieu said...

My book will solve this problem. It's that simple.
Not like WV: nxbgkzq

Wednesday, 02 August, 2006  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Oops! I wrote that before I finished reading the song! Beaten again!

Wednesday, 02 August, 2006  
Blogger Mathieu said...

Actually, I'm with these guys. But in my opinion English is a lost cause. It's beyond worthwhile repair.

WV: gfulp (misspellt gulp?)

Thursday, 03 August, 2006  

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